These Are The 10 Fattest Nations In The World. Number 2 Will Surprise You!

It is well known that overweight is a large problem. Almost 1/3 of the people in the world are having extra weight.

In the past 30 years the number of chubby people has increased noticeably. Back in 1980 was 857 million and now according to data from 2013 the number of chubby people is up to 2 billion. It is very possible that this number will increase to 1/3 of the whole human population.

In addition, there are approximately two and a half times more obesity than underweight people in the world, and more people die as a result of too much eating than eating too little.
In 2010 3-4 billion people died as a result from overweight or issues caused by overweight.
The US are still in the lead as the fattest nation, but some countries are catching up (Egypt even has a higher percentage of obesity than US).

If some actions are not taken in regard to more sitting jobs, the high amount of high-calorie, fatty, fast foods and drinks, the problem of overweight could be a large threat for the health of our future generations.
“Global Burden of Disease” released the results of a research (sponsored by the Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates), which are revealing the 10 fattest nations in the world. You may be surprised.
  1. United States: 78 million people, 33% of matures
  2. China: 46 million people, 4,4% of matures
  3. India: 30 million people, 3,8% of matures
  4. Russia: 28 million people, 24.1% of matures

  • Brazil: 22 million people, 16.2% of matures
  • Mexico: 20 million people, 26.9% of matures
  • Egypt: 18 million people, 35.9% of matures
  • Germany: 16 million people, 24.3% of matures
  • Pakistan: 14 million people, 13.6% of matures
  • Indonesia: 11 million people, 6.8% of matures

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